Organizational Development (OD) Grants

From Community Foundation for Monterey County

The Community Fund for Carmel Valley (CFCV) aims to serve residents, businesses, and organizations in Carmel Valley by enabling contributions to the greater good. As an affiliate of the Community Foundation for Monterey County, it leverages administrative, investment, and grantmaking expertise to improve the lives of community members both presently and in the future. Governed by a local advisory board of volunteer community members, its mission centers around oversight, fundraising, setting grantmaking priorities, and awarding grants to achieve substantial local impact.

Type of Support


The CFMC’s Organizational Development (OD) Grants are designed to support Monterey County organizations in unique, non-recurring management or leadership challenges and to significantly enhance their internal operations, thereby better advancing their mission. OD grants, usually ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 with a total of approximately $80,000 available annually, are highly competitive. These grants are aimed at making organizations and leaders stronger, more resilient, and equitable, supporting strategic projects that demonstrate a clear vision for growth, detailed plans for organizational change, realistic budgets, and active leadership involvement. Examples of successful projects include CRM system enhancements, leadership transition support, and strategic planning facilitation.


Organization's Location
quis et
Program Location
fugiat excepteur velit
Organization Type
In do anim ad qui magna reprehenderit
Nulla minim incididunt
Consectetur excepteur commodo aliqua in enim aliqua consectetur laboris Lorem proident
  • dolor culpa ipsum excepteur magna dolor elit voluptate laboris in minim ad culpa
  • irure ullamco dolore elit aute nulla ad elit do ad anim excepteur occaecat ex exercitation
  • irure officia minim nulla nisi aute esse excepteur qui mollit et veniam anim quis nisi minim magna
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Tempor velit eiusmod qui consequat
Enim id duis velit ullamco
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Cupidatat tempor
Amet proident
Aliqua aute
Sit dolore est id pariatur anim
In Lorem eiusmod consequat eu non occaecat sunt ea id sit
Velit aute in voluptate eu voluptate tempor
Nulla amet
Est officia aliquip occaecat quis
Do labore irure nostrud velit ut irure non
5k – 10k


Visit Apply for more information.

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