Organizational Development (OD) Grants

From Community Foundation for Monterey County

The Community Fund for Carmel Valley (CFCV) aims to serve residents, businesses, and organizations in Carmel Valley by enabling contributions to the greater good. As an affiliate of the Community Foundation for Monterey County, it leverages administrative, investment, and grantmaking expertise to improve the lives of community members both presently and in the future. Governed by a local advisory board of volunteer community members, its mission centers around oversight, fundraising, setting grantmaking priorities, and awarding grants to achieve substantial local impact.

Type of Support


The CFMC’s Organizational Development (OD) Grants are designed to support Monterey County organizations in unique, non-recurring management or leadership challenges and to significantly enhance their internal operations, thereby better advancing their mission. OD grants, usually ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 with a total of approximately $80,000 available annually, are highly competitive. These grants are aimed at making organizations and leaders stronger, more resilient, and equitable, supporting strategic projects that demonstrate a clear vision for growth, detailed plans for organizational change, realistic budgets, and active leadership involvement. Examples of successful projects include CRM system enhancements, leadership transition support, and strategic planning facilitation.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CA (Monterey County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) public benefit status
Fiscally sponsored organizations
Public benefit organizations (schools, faith-based organizations for secular programs, public agencies)
  • Must demonstrate a significant agency-wide commitment to the success of the project
  • Projects where a CFMC grant would leverage other financial or in-kind sources are encouraged
  • Applicants can apply for other grants in the same calendar year for different types of support
  • Must be current on reporting obligations for past Community Foundation competitive grants


Entities incorporating as new nonprofits
Expenses incurred before grant award
Routine operating costs or staff time
Duplicative consulting/training
Fundraising campaigns/events
Endowment funds
Academic research (except applied research/needs assessments)
Funding to K-12 schools/public agencies for tax-supported services or facility acquisition/renovation
Non-secular activities or those promoting religious doctrine
Political purposes
Debt or legal settlements payments
Organizations discriminating based on race, religion, gender, etc.
5k – 10k


Visit Apply for more information.

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