Fund for Santa Barbara: Mickey Flacks Social Housing Fund

From The Fund for Santa Barbara

Advancing progressive change by strengthening movements for Economic, Environmental, Political, Racial, and Social Justice. The Fund for Santa Barbara supports organizations working for progressive social change in Santa Barbara County, emphasizing solutions to social problems and support for those denied power and justice.

Type of Support


The Mickey Flacks Social Housing Fund (MFSHF) aims to honour Mickey Flacks' legacy by advancing social housing justice in Santa Barbara County. It supports organizations or groups engaged in: creating cooperative housing, advocating for progressive housing policies through grassroots organizing, enhancing tenant organization efforts, and generating innovative housing solutions like tiny homes or co-housing. The fund especially values initiatives that are innovative, establish permanent affordability, and empower community members with a voice and power in housing decisions. Grants offered can support new grassroots projects, small organizations, or larger established entities, with funding up to $5,000 over 12 months.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CA (Santa Barbara County)
Organization Type
  • Must actively support anti-discrimination based on race, sex/gender, age, religion, language spoken, or immigration status
  • Must actively support marginalized communities to engage in dialogue and actions against social injustice
  • Must work to improve the rights of workers and their families in marginalized living conditions
  • Must promote the cultural life of underserved communities and support cultural workers
  • Must promote self-determination and leadership in low-income and disenfranchised communities
  • Must promote global peace and organize locally for just policies
  • Must work on improving environmental justice and address climate change, particularly for constituencies usually without access to decision-makers
  • Must engage in collaborative action and coalition-building to strengthen movement ecosystems
  • Must work against community violence and support recovery and restorative justice activities
  • Must operate in a democratic manner, responsive to and directed by the constituency being served
  • Must have a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN), a Federal Tax Identification Number, or a tax-exempt fiscal sponsor’s
  • Must have an organizational bank account or use a fiscal sponsor’s
  • Budget and Planned Activities must fall within the funding timeframe for which the proposal is submitted


Political campaigns supporting a candidate or political party
Private interests
Direct labor organizing
Projects providing direct services without a social change component
Direct support to individuals
Building improvements
Capital ventures (machines, vehicles, etc.)
Equipment (office equipment, tools, etc.)
Projects outside of Santa Barbara County.
up to 5k


Review Criteria

The Foundation prioritizes initiatives targeting the fundamental sources of societal, economic, environmental, and political challenges.

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