California Environmental Grassroots Fund Grant

From Rose Foundation For Communities And The Environment

The Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment focuses on supporting efforts to protect the environment and ensure justice for communities impacted by environmental harm. Through grantmaking, it aims to empower initiatives that advocate for environmental conservation and address issues of environmental justice, particularly in disadvantaged communities.

Type of Support


The California Environmental Grassroots Fund aims to support small and emerging local groups across California that are dedicated to building climate resilience and advancing environmental justice. The fund focuses on backing grassroots organizations that address critical environmental issues in their communities, such as toxic pollution, urban sprawl, sustainable agriculture, climate advocacy, and the preservation of natural environments and community health. It emphasizes supporting projects that are closely connected with the communities they serve, prioritizing broad community engagement, public outreach, and organizing. The fund is particularly interested in groups that advocate for historically marginalized or impacted communities, including BIPOC, frontline, immigrant, and low-income populations. These organizations should not only tackle local environmental challenges but also align their efforts with broader environmental justice and climate resilience goals, recognizing the interconnection between extractive systems, climate crisis, and social injustices.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Nonprofit organizations
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
Organizations seeking fiscal sponsorship
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than 150k
  • Located within the state of California
  • Annual income or expenses of $150,000 or less
  • Issues supported include environmental health and justice, climate advocacy and resilience, land management and urban sprawl, habitat and wilderness protection, water resources, sustainable agriculture, pollution and toxins
  • Strategies supported include community-based advocacy, litigation, restoration, community organizing, grassroots campaigns, and environmental education
  • Can re-apply after six months if the proposal is rejected
  • Funded organizations can re-apply after one year with submitted and accepted evaluation
  • Most grants are for a one-year period
  • After three years of funding, groups must wait two years before reapplying


Capital campaigns
Annual fundraising appeals
Government agencies
Colleges or universities
up to 7.5k


Review Criteria

The foundation gives preference to organizations dedicated to serving and advocating for communities that have historically been neglected or adversely affected. This includes a focus on BIPOC communities, those on the frontline, and individuals from low-income backgrounds. Moreover, it seeks out organizations that not only make a significant contribution within their local communities but also possess a strategic vision for how their efforts align with the broader battle against current environmental issues.

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