Never Lose Hoop Grants

From Community Foundation of Bloomington & Monroe County

he Community Foundation was established in 1990 to encourage and manage philanthropic support for the long-term benefit of the community and all those who call it home.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on providing opportunities for families battling cancer to spend quality time together, aiming to offer them rest, renewal, and enjoyment. It supports a variety of activities such as family camps, hot air balloon rides, or canoeing at Lake Monroe. Grants can be used to cover related expenses including transportation, meals, registration or ticketing, and lodging. Applications for this grant are accepted on a rolling basis, underscoring its commitment to timely support for eligible families.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Preferred locations: IN (Monroe County), All eligible locations: USA
Organization Type
Referral organizations such as social service agencies
Religious organizations
Educational facilities
Public assistance organizations
Other nonprofits serving children
  • Dealing with a current cancer diagnosis or treatment in an immediate family member
  • Experienced the death of an immediate family member to cancer within the last two years
up to 3k


Visit Apply for more information.

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