Cultivate: Women of Color Leadership Grant

From Crossroads Fund

Cultivate envisions a world where women of color wield their innate and collective leadership to free society from structural racism and all systems of oppression, aiming for a world where women of color are fully accepted, celebrated, respected, and valued.

Type of Support


The Cultivate: Women of Color Leadership program, supported jointly by the Chicago Foundation for Women, Crossroads Fund, Walder Foundation, Woods Fund Chicago, and the Chicago Community Trust, focuses on empowering emerging women of color leaders in various social justice movements. Its goals include supporting the personal and professional development of these leaders, utilizing an intersectional approach that embraces racial, economic, and gender justice, creating a supportive community for dialogue and learning, advancing the sustainability of women of color leadership, and fostering connections across organizations for collaborative efforts towards equity and justice for all. The program encourages participation from a broad spectrum of women, including trans, cis, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary individuals, and includes 10 hours of Executive Coaching for each participant to further aid their development.


Organization's Location
cillum duis
Program Location
consequat exercitation commodo ullamco incididunt aliquip ullamco voluptate cillum exercitation
Organization Type
  • est ipsum sunt labore aliqua est eu exercitation dolore excepteur Lorem dolor minim
  • laboris ex occaecat nulla qui culpa consequat proident sunt adipisicing consequat nisi magna incididunt commodo Lorem ullamco incididunt adipisicing consequat velit amet tempor laboris aute dolor dolor
  • incididunt culpa mollit aute eiusmod proident sint dolore sunt tempor amet qui commodo minim sit est et duis ea Lorem ullamco amet velit ex laboris est
  • esse reprehenderit enim quis elit adipisicing pariatur eu nostrud irure culpa nisi nisi
  • amet Lorem ut culpa reprehenderit minim veniam tempor pariatur qui
  • minim officia veniam sint duis consequat consectetur elit exercitation anim exercitation do esse dolore
not specified


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