Global Reproductive Health Grant

The mission of the Packard Foundation is to provide the nation's most promising early-career scientists and engineers with the freedom and funding to explore new frontiers in their fields. This effort reflects David Packard's recognition of the importance of robust university-based science and engineering programs, rooted in his understanding of the crucial role these disciplines played in the success of the Hewlett-Packard Company.

Type of Support


The grant supports efforts to create equitable systems that tackle today’s major challenges and future issues. With a multifaceted approach, it focuses on building just and equitable societies by strengthening civil society, inclusive governance, and institutions. Additionally, it aims to protect and restore the natural world through bold climate solutions, ocean sustainability, and scientific innovation. Investing in families and communities is key, promoting resilient communities where children and families can thrive. The grant underscores the importance of collaboration with leaders and organizations to foster vibrant communities empowered to shape their futures.


Organization's Location
irure officia
Program Location
cupidatat culpa ipsum cupidatat magna ea consectetur nostrud
Organization Type
Tempor nisi ex sint id ipsum
  • id id cupidatat aute eiusmod ea nisi


Pariatur do id aute do minim quis
Quis et velit nulla fugiat
Consequat tempor
up to 100k


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