Child Well-Being Grant Program

    The foundation's mission is dedicated to promoting children's healthy development and protecting them from abuse and neglect. Inspired by Doris Duke's special interest in the well-being of children and families, it aims to continue her legacy of supporting communities, early family planning efforts, and child welfare organizations. Guided by her will, the foundation focuses on the prevention of cruelty to children.

    Type of Support


    The Child Well-being Program's broad goals are to support the healthy development of children and to protect them from abuse and neglect through a variety of strategies. These include place-based approaches to improve well-being within communities, strengthening and coordinating service systems for families, and building capacity and sharing knowledge to advance more equitable outcomes for children and families. The program emphasizes intergenerational work, cultural relevance, and community engagement to foster long-term well-being. It focuses on improving local environments, coordinating health and social services, empowering residents, increasing social connectedness, strengthening social service systems, developing leaders, generating research, and advocating for community needs. The grantmaking areas encompass efforts that are culturally, geographically, and locally relevant, aiming to create improved and more equitable outcomes for children across different communities.


    Organization's Location
    enim officia
    Program Location
    Organization Type


    Aliqua enim ullamco enim ea enim
    Quis excepteur incididunt proident veniam ullamco
    Sint ullamco excepteur quis
    Minim nisi id et anim sit enim
    Sunt ad irure sit sunt officia aliquip cillum cillum ullamco
    Laboris Lorem ea consequat nostrud
    Consectetur sit aliquip enim sint in
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    ullamco dolore esse aliqua reprehenderit dolore eu ullamco ullamco cupidatat incididunt veniam et excepteur occaecat nulla laborum commodo nisi ea Lorem dolor velit qui sint culpa nulla id id nostrud commodo ipsum esse reprehenderit Lorem anim ipsum aute elit

    • Lorem et proident nulla qui magna amet laboris elit elit excepteur aliquip irure est sint nulla nisi cillum velit deserunt proident incididunt exercitation ullamco
    • dolore nulla deserunt sit nulla ipsum officia anim
    • ullamco non cupidatat qui nulla cillum dolor adipisicing reprehenderit elit pariatur occaecat incididunt tempor nisi esse
    • duis aliquip adipisicing commodo non exercitation sint voluptate eiusmod
    • quis excepteur nulla consectetur cillum fugiat fugiat eiusmod et aliqua est reprehenderit nisi
    • mollit officia aliqua pariatur et sunt excepteur laborum reprehenderit culpa ea aliquip in id sit nostrud anim enim enim est dolore

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