The Vermont Children's Trust Foundation focuses on primary prevention programs for children ages 0-18, aiming to reduce juvenile delinquency, truancy, substance abuse, child abuse, and other destructive behaviors through community-based, strength-based activities. They emphasize positive family functioning, impact on societal forces, coordinated youth services, racial equity, and reduction of race disparities.
The grant program supports primary prevention strategies designed to preemptively address issues like juvenile delinquency, truancy, substance abuse, and child abuse among children and youths. It emphasizes fostering positive family dynamics, impacting societal influences on children and parents, ensuring coordinated and effective youth services, and promoting racial equity. Proposals must demonstrate cultural and linguistic competency in service delivery, aiming for inclusivity across various demographics. The program focuses on achieving Vermont’s desired outcomes of safe, nurturing family environments, and helping children and youths reach their potential, integrating protective factors into proposals.
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