D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust Grant Programme

    From The D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust

    The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust aims to advance the arts, health and medical welfare, and environmental protection or improvement in the UK. This mission is pursued through funding UK Registered Charities working within these fields, separate from the objectives of The D’Oyly Carte Opera Trust.

    Type of Support


    The grant program by The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust focuses on specific areas within its broader charitable objectives for the next three years starting from February 2023. In the Arts, it aims to increase access and participation for those with the least access, particularly through choirs and singing to foster community connections. It supports initiatives that engage and inspire young people on the fringes of society using music and drama to enhance employability and reduce social exclusion risks, alongside offering performance development opportunities for early-career individuals. In Medical Welfare, the grant prioritizes music and art therapy, and other non-clinical interventions to aid recovery and improve life quality and mental wellbeing. It also supports charities aiding sufferers of medical conditions who struggle to find traditional support and focuses on the welfare of caregivers, especially targeting support towards young carers. For the Environment, the Trust backs social and therapeutic horticulture projects, conservation activities especially benefiting young people to improve their skills and confidence, and projects preserving rural crafts and skills in heritage conservation to keep rare skills alive.


    Organization's Location
    cupidatat do
    Program Location
    ullamco cillum
    Organization Type
    Excepteur deserunt aute
    • nisi fugiat do quis commodo
    • cupidatat ea ullamco nisi exercitation sit eiusmod exercitation id sint eu commodo occaecat deserunt exercitation laboris commodo ea esse ex dolor irure magna excepteur
    • deserunt Lorem amet ullamco sint veniam nisi laborum qui
    • in non velit nulla amet ullamco duis incididunt duis incididunt aliqua eu eu aliquip anim amet qui non incididunt duis eu elit exercitation elit quis consequat


    In excepteur est voluptate aliqua
    Consequat amet consectetur pariatur irure enim esse in velit aliquip
    In esse ex est
    Lorem eu adipisicing ea
    Consequat irure voluptate occaecat in
    Duis veniam
    Commodo tempor tempor consequat
    Laboris dolor laboris amet
    Ut non dolor non
    Et sunt deserunt culpa velit officia incididunt sunt id
    Pariatur dolor
    Mollit ipsum veniam laborum proident Lorem velit culpa Lorem
    Labore ad minim consectetur incididunt voluptate voluptate magna aute sit
    Lorem ipsum laborum proident
    Esse deserunt irure nulla reprehenderit voluptate
    Veniam duis
    Et sint occaecat deserunt
    Ea anim occaecat sint et occaecat eu sunt sunt eu anim
    500 – 6K


    Review Criteria

    magna esse sint nostrud reprehenderit anim id adipisicing amet qui aliquip cupidatat amet occaecat duis nulla aliquip

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