Community Investment Fund Grant

    From Federated Co-operatives Limited

    Embracing our co-operative model, we provide responsible, innovative leadership and support to the Co-operative Retailing System for the benefit of members, employees and Canadian communities.

    Type of Support


    The Community Investment Fund by FCL supports community programs and organizations that are important to their employees. This initiative underscores the company's commitment to contributing positively to the communities where their employees are based. The fund is administered by employee-led committees in Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg, showcasing a hands-on approach to community involvement and support by those who are directly impacted by the company's actions.


    Organization's Location
    aliquip ad
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Sint laboris minim deserunt ullamco
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    • sint enim qui ipsum deserunt deserunt do reprehenderit dolore minim


    Reprehenderit irure dolore elit laborum
    Nostrud qui
    Incididunt veniam deserunt
    Voluptate enim est excepteur consequat proident quis veniam qui est
    Non commodo pariatur
    Et enim cupidatat veniam
    not specified


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