Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds Grant Program: Convening Grants

From Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds

The Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds (FPW) aims to protect healthy natural streams, clean-up and restore degraded streams, and advocate for Pennsylvania’s extensive water resources. With a mission to protect and restore Pennsylvania's water resources, FPW provides matching funds to leverage local, state, and federal resources for conservation organizations, ensuring clean water for future generations. Their goal is to protect the best and restore the worst of the state's water resources.

Type of Support


The Convening Grants offered by the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds are designed to facilitate project collaboration and support special needs within the realm of water conservation and restoration. These small grants, which have a maximum amount of $2,000, are unique in that they do not require Letters of Intent (LOIs) and can be applied for on a revolving basis. The grants aim to bolster local, state, and federal conservation efforts by providing private matching funds, thereby enhancing the impact of projects dedicated to the protection and restoration of Pennsylvania's water resources.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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Incididunt ad
up to 2k


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Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: adipisicing enim (nisi dolor)

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