Frost Memorial Fund Grant

The mission of Frost Memorial Fund, Inc. is to continue the legacy of the Frost Family's support for charitable endeavors in Rhinebeck, New York. Founded by Benson R. Frost, Jr., and Barbara V. Frost, with substantial gifts and bequests, the foundation primarily focuses on supporting non-profit organizations and charities within the Village and Town of Rhinebeck. Originally known as McRostie Foundation, Inc., it aims to embody the Frost Family's commitment to their community through its philanthropic activities.

Type of Support


The Frost Memorial Fund Grant aims to offer long-term support to charitable organizations in Rhinebeck. Guided by policies designed to reflect the founders' intentions, the grant program focuses on supporting both established and emerging charities that align with the founders' vision. The board places emphasis on the foundation's role as a permanent endowment intended for the sustained benefit of Rhinebeck's charitable sector, considering both current and future community needs. The grant offerings are diversified into two main types: annual support grants for ongoing charity operations in Rhinebeck and new project grants aimed at funding initiatives such as cultural events or the construction of new facilities. The foundation's approach ensures a balanced support system for Rhinebeck's charities, favoring projects and operations that the founders would have endorsed.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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not specified


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