Fund for Change Grants

From Fund for Change Inc.

The Fund for Change aims to support the building of a society that is democratic, egalitarian, and participatory. It focuses on empowering underserved individuals and communities to influence policymakers through advocacy for social change. While it primarily funds efforts in Baltimore, it also considers groups operating in Maryland and nationally. The fund is dedicated to fostering a healthy city environment where families and individuals can achieve personal and financial stability and affords opportunities to those with the least wealth.

Type of Support


The Fund for Change grant program is designed to support organizations working towards significant social transformations within the realms of Housing and Community Development, Behavioral Health and Healing, Criminal Justice Reform, and Environmental Justice. The program espouses a philosophy that a healthy urban environment is comprised of families and individuals capable of reaching their life goals and nurturing the next generation, particularly emphasizing the increase of opportunities for the economically disadvantaged. The average grant size provided by the fund ranges from $10,000 to $25,000, although there are exceptions to this range.


Organization's Location
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Organization Type
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10k – 25k


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