Ghar Parau Foundation Expedition Grant Award

From The Ghar Parau Foundation

The Ghar Parau Foundation's mission is to provide grant-aid assistance to British caving expeditions around the world, focusing on projects that incorporate innovative exploration or scientific study beyond typical sport-caving activities.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to support British caving expeditions with a focus on: discovering new caves, advancing the sport, benefiting team members, conducting preparatory work and research, establishing local contacts, assessing team size for efficiency, ensuring effective fund use, evaluating the expedition's track record, and looking into other sources of income. It prioritizes projects that promise significant contributions either in discovery or in the development of caving as a sport, and also considers the overall budget and cost, often resulting in larger grants for more ambitious expeditions to remote locations. Additionally, the Alex Pitcher Awards are specifically aimed at encouraging and supporting younger cavers, with eligibility criteria for applicants being under 25, a UK national or student, or a member of a UK caving club/BCA, thus fostering the next generation's participation in caving expeditions.


Organization's Location
enim irure
Program Location
Organization Type


Review Criteria

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