Gilead North America Grants

From Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Gilead Sciences, Inc. is an American biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Foster City, California that focuses on researching and developing antiviral drugs used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, and COVID-19, including ledipasvir/sofosbuvir and sofosbuvir.

Type of Support


Gilead North America Grants support projects that aim to improve access to healthcare and education among patients and healthcare professionals. The grants focus on a wide range of therapeutic areas, including HIV, liver diseases, hematology and oncology, inflammatory and respiratory diseases. Key areas of support include:

  • Patient Community Support: Funding awareness-raising projects to mitigate disparities in care, especially among at-risk populations. Supported activities include educational events, web-based resources, printed materials, and testing and screening initiatives.
  • Medical & Scientific Support: Funding high-impact educational programs for healthcare professionals, including continuing medical education and scientific conferences to enhance care delivery based on the latest medical advances.
  • Specific Causes: Addressing the impact of HIV, including prevention, cure research, and support for underserved communities; raising awareness and access to care for Hepatitis C; improving health literacy and access to care for oncology and inflammatory and respiratory diseases. Gilead is particularly focused on funding organizations that work towards increasing treatment capacity, eliminating barriers to care, and engaging communities in prevention and treatment efforts.


Organization's Location
Canada, USA
Program Location
Canada, USA
Organization Type
Tax-exempt nonprofits
  • Must include a U.S. federal tax ID number
  • Based in the U.S.
  • Not applicable to Canadian organizations
  • Grant funding awarded for direct programmatic support
  • Attendance at Medical and Scientific Support events must be open to professionals in the community


Principal speakers at Medical and Scientific Support events employed by or whose audience is limited to the funded organization
Organizations seeking to pay for patient care, treatment and/or prescriptions
Those covering general operating expenses or purchasing standard equipment or hardware
Healthcare practitioners' expenses for attendance or travel to educational programs
Individual healthcare professionals or for-profit physician group practices
Paying honoraria of healthcare providers employed by or affiliated with the requesting organization
Supporting government lobbying activities
Individuals providing services to Gilead, like speaking or advising
In lieu of a discount, price concession, or part of contract negotiation
Supporting clinical studies
Indirect costs of an organization or activity
Individuals or for-profit companies.
not specified


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