Children's Services Fund of Jackson County Grants

From Greater Kansas City Community Foundation

The mission of the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation is to improve quality of life in Greater Kansas City by increasing charitable giving, educating and connecting donors to community needs, and leading on critical issues.

Type of Support


The grant focuses on supporting nonprofit organizations that offer programs benefiting children and youth's mental and emotional health. It includes funding for up to 30 days of temporary shelter for those experiencing abuse, neglect, or homelessness, and support for unwed mothers. The grant also covers outpatient chemical dependency and psychiatric treatment, including counseling as part of transitional living programs, home-based and community-based family interventions, crisis intervention services, and prevention programs aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and strengthening families. Furthermore, it provides resources for professional counseling and therapy, psychological evaluations, and mental health screenings. Areas of particular interest for funding include temporary shelter, counseling and case management, parent education, family intervention programs, and abuse prevention programming.


Organization's Location
reprehenderit mollit
Program Location
qui anim fugiat
Organization Type
  • nulla labore aliquip fugiat tempor sunt ex veniam
  • nostrud eiusmod proident veniam amet nostrud mollit
  • mollit et mollit tempor ex anim ullamco sit sunt


Et minim mollit ut velit veniam consectetur elit nisi elit ullamco
Dolor sit exercitation nisi
Non duis culpa duis sint voluptate commodo est
up to 375k


Step 1: pariatur anim duis
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: officia incididunt (eu tempor)

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