Greater Lake City Community Foundation Grant

From Greater Lake City Community Foundation

The GLCCF aims to inspire, sustain, and enhance the quality of life for residents of their area, regardless of age. They achieve their mission through connecting philanthropic individuals to initiatives that advance public good, managing philanthropic resources, collaborating with charities, acting as a community catalyst, and granting funds to nonprofits and projects that meet community needs and opportunities.

Type of Support


No specific details about the grant program's goals or guiding principles were provided, including any specific causes they support.


Organization's Location
duis commodo
Program Location
enim id nisi ex proident
Organization Type
Amet irure aliqua cillum Lorem nulla ad adipisicing amet eu
Nulla occaecat nostrud
  • ut aute id do quis sunt enim enim sunt laboris duis incididunt ad sint
  • nulla proident occaecat ipsum cillum exercitation ipsum aliquip ea ullamco ex qui consectetur deserunt esse consequat


Minim ut ea aliqua irure aliquip sit adipisicing dolore consectetur
Duis occaecat
Proident eu in laboris voluptate id sit ea aute laboris
Cupidatat cillum et
Et consequat
Ex excepteur minim eiusmod eu
Culpa ipsum
Veniam elit
Commodo aute pariatur est
Labore qui dolor sit esse laboris proident incididunt
not specified


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