Family & Neighborhood Stability Grant

From McNeely Foundation

The McNeely Foundation aims to leverage human and financial resources to foster a thriving community in East Side St. Paul, Minnesota, the location where the McNeely business was developed. Established in the 1960s by Harry G. McNeely Sr. and Adelaide Frenzel McNeely with an initial stock gift from The St. Paul Terminal Warehouse Company, the Foundation focuses on enhancing the vibrancy and sustainability of this area.

Type of Support


The McNeely Foundation grants support organizations working towards a more dynamic and enduring East Side of St Paul. While it prioritizes efforts within this geographical area and demographic, it remains open to innovative initiatives from other regions that have potential for application or replication on the East Side. The Foundation's grantmaking concentrates on four main areas: Youth Development Through Enrichment, Youth Development Through Employment Training, Environment, and Family & Neighborhood Stability. The latter focuses on increasing the economic vitality of youth and low-income families by providing financial education, stable housing support, employment training, and fostering community leadership and development.


Organization's Location
tempor dolore
Program Location
eiusmod labore proident
Organization Type
Ullamco officia ea non magna incididunt
Commodo est
Velit nulla veniam
  • do consectetur consectetur fugiat quis aute eiusmod aliquip duis cupidatat non incididunt
  • in commodo eu id non deserunt officia anim cupidatat reprehenderit minim labore consequat ad
  • aliqua do tempor proident exercitation cupidatat proident sit eu nulla excepteur eu est esse aliqua cillum


Incididunt irure irure
Magna eiusmod qui
Veniam eiusmod sit
up to 50k


Review Criteria

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