Operation Round Up Grant

From GreyStone Power Foundation, Inc.

At GreyStone, we aim to enhance the quality of life within the communities we serve. This includes supporting local community progress or charities and ensuring the provision of electricity. As your community partner, our focus is on improving community well-being.

Type of Support


The GreyStone Power Foundation, Inc.'s Operation Round Up program is designed to provide monetary assistance to nonprofit organizations through voluntary customer donations. GreyStone’s members can opt to round up their electric bill to the nearest dollar or give additional monthly amounts. This collective effort, with contributions from over 25,000 cooperative members, has a significant impact, offering crucial funds to communities in need. Since 1998, members have donated more than $5.7 million to support their neighbors, demonstrating the power of small contributions amassed over time.


Organization's Location
cillum nostrud
Program Location
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Organization Type
not specified


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