HCF: Health Services Endowment Fund Grant

From Hamilton Community Foundation (Ohio)

The Women's Fund aims to promote philanthropy among women and establish a permanent, expanding endowment dedicated to the needs of women and girls in Butler County. It seeks to empower women and girls to achieve their full potential and create opportunities for economic, educational, and personal growth through community involvement and fundraising.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on supporting health services and health education. It aims to provide financial assistance to organizations that are dedicated to improving health outcomes for the people of Southwest Ohio.


Organization's Location
Program Location
OH (Butler County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Located in or provide services to the greater Hamilton area
  • Outside Butler County must describe how area residents are served
  • May only apply for one project per year


Those seeking debt reduction
Applicants requiring loans
For-profit businesses
Requests for tickets for benefits
Annual appeal supporters
Telephone solicitation campaigns
Political campaign activities
Religious activity projects
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.