Harold A. Heist Trust Grant

    From Harold A. Heist Trust

    The Harold A. Heist Trust aims to support historical preservation efforts within Crawford County, PA, focusing on projects and programs that have a significant impact on the community, including underserved populations, through direct services and collaborative efforts, ensuring long-term sustainability and effectiveness.

    Type of Support


    The grant program primarily focuses on supporting projects and programs within Crawford County, PA, that align with various guiding principles including year-round programming, direct services reflecting the organization's core social mission, addressing community needs with demonstrated demand, broad impact or benefits to underserved populations, measurable outcomes with documented results and sustainability, diversified income streams with financial accountability, collaboration with other organizations, and non-duplication of existing nonprofit efforts. Additionally, applying organizations must have at least 3 years of operational history and a year of impact reports for the proposed project or program.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Visit Apply for more information.

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