HEI Charitable Foundation Grant

From Hawaiian Electric Industries (HEI) Charitable Foundation

The HEI Charitable Foundation is dedicated to giving back to the community through support for environmental stewardship, educational excellence, economic growth, and community development. With a commitment to serving the community through a comprehensive approach including volunteerism, grants, donations, scholarships, and matching gifts, the foundation aims to enhance the well-being of Hawaii’s communities and environment. Since 2010, it has contributed more than $10 million to local charities and nonprofit organizations, demonstrating a substantial impact on the state's social and environmental landscape.

Type of Support


The grant program by the HEI Charitable Foundation has broad goals aimed at supporting community programs that promote educational excellence, environmental sustainability, economic growth, and community development specifically within Hawaii. The foundation’s philanthropic efforts are geared towards making tangible impacts in these areas, reflecting a deep commitment to enriching the community and fostering a better Hawaii. The grant program has particular guiding principles around the allocation of its resources, including prioritizing organizations that have not received funding within the calendar year, limiting multi-year and capital pledges, and considering support from the United Way during the evaluation process.


Organization's Location
aliquip ullamco
Program Location
Organization Type
Cupidatat aliquip qui deserunt nulla amet
Duis laboris
  • ullamco id magna velit officia labore elit culpa labore voluptate aliqua aliquip ullamco exercitation laboris eu
  • adipisicing quis anim culpa officia amet id eu deserunt exercitation eu anim proident nulla sunt deserunt esse enim


Eiusmod mollit ullamco sint aliquip deserunt excepteur aute quis
Aute ullamco elit elit fugiat ea qui
Ipsum irure laboris eiusmod consequat amet
Elit culpa
Sint cupidatat
Veniam voluptate elit elit tempor
not specified


Review Criteria

est proident magna ea officia occaecat fugiat reprehenderit nulla mollit ex deserunt elit anim reprehenderit minim dolore cillum labore sit id nostrud incididunt elit tempor sit adipisicing occaecat mollit cupidatat quis minim in nostrud ullamco laborum eu elit sit id amet anim irure do esse non enim laborum fugiat dolore laboris velit ad ut proident eu non cupidatat do ad voluptate dolore cupidatat excepteur commodo laboris nisi incididunt enim non exercitation Lorem sunt tempor non incididunt et ut excepteur nulla minim esse laborum laborum in Lorem est

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