Health Care Advocates International (HCAI) is a non-profit health and advocacy organization aimed at serving the LGBTQ+ community. Focused on prevention, programs, education, advocacy, and treatment, HCAI is committed to the whole health (mental, physical, and emotional) of individuals, providing support directly or connecting them to external services.
The HCAI Fund provides financial and programmatic support to organizations and programs that align with HCAI's mission of ending discrimination and supporting healthy lives within the LGBTQ+ community. This support is aimed at organizations that address basic needs, foster safety and wellness, combat stigma and discrimination, and promote equality and education. Funding is considered for 501(c)3 organizations working in areas such as homelessness, food insecurity, substance abuse, equality, mental health, stigma and discrimination, HIV/AIDS education, prevention and support, and program-specific marketing services.
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