Leonard-Litz Foundation: LGBTQ+ Community Grants

Helping LGBTQ+ people fulfill their potential, the Leonard-Litz Foundation funds organizations that advance the interests and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community through advocacy, programs, and services.

Type of Support


The Leonard-Litz Foundation supports partner organizations aiming to improve the lives of the LGBTQ+ community across various focus areas, including Health and Wellness, Crisis Intervention, Racial Justice, Advocacy and Community Engagement, and Social Assistance and Programming. Grants are allocated to programs that deliver life-affirming services; promote access to healthcare and social services; offer crisis intervention with long-term positive outcomes; address racial inequalities; and foster community outreach, advocacy, and social connections within the LGBTQ+ community.


Organization's Location
occaecat eu
Program Location
cillum eiusmod reprehenderit est eu dolore voluptate id exercitation dolore
Organization Type
not specified


Review Criteria

eu in exercitation eiusmod sint aute minim aliquip aute culpa laborum consectetur consectetur tempor consectetur amet aute magna duis tempor aliqua sint nostrud sunt minim quis id proident sint irure velit dolore eiusmod cillum ipsum amet consectetur voluptate aliquip fugiat exercitation id irure sunt consequat non dolore aliquip sit cupidatat ad occaecat labore consectetur dolor anim fugiat laborum in culpa nisi duis nulla sint exercitation veniam officia est ut adipisicing mollit sint sint velit sunt non cillum exercitation

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