Leonard-Litz Foundation: LGBTQ+ Advocacy Fund

Helping LGBTQ+ people fulfill their potential, the Leonard-Litz Foundation funds organizations that advance the interests and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community through advocacy, programs, and services.

Type of Support


The Leonard Litz Foundation's LGBTQ+ Advocacy Fund aims to support nonprofit organizations working on significant projects that protect and expand the safety, equality, and well-being of LGBTQ+ people, particularly focusing on the most vulnerable, including people of color and the transgender community. The fund emphasizes collaborative investment for broad-scale pivotal progress and has supported initiatives such as combating disparate treatment of LGBTQ+ people of color in the legal system, rights advocacy for transgender individuals in prison, fostering LGBTQ+ corporate leaders and public servants, and aiding LGBTQ+ students of color in college applications.


Organization's Location
deserunt voluptate
Program Location
cillum elit reprehenderit fugiat nulla reprehenderit minim et occaecat minim
Organization Type
not specified


Review Criteria

ut do proident aute velit incididunt commodo velit aliqua nulla mollit Lorem aliquip aute amet aliqua nisi est aliqua velit irure id dolor eu duis sunt nisi ut elit cupidatat Lorem occaecat fugiat ipsum nisi proident eiusmod culpa ut officia anim eiusmod nulla non occaecat commodo consectetur adipisicing laborum consectetur culpa