The Healthcare Foundation of NJ Grant (Requests greater than $35,000)

From The Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey

The mission of the Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey is to improve the health and well-being of vulnerable, underserved populations in greater Newark and the Jewish Community of MetroWest NJ, elevate the quality of community healthcare, reduce disparities in access, and promote the infusion of compassion and humanism into our healthcare system.

Type of Support


The grant program offered by the Foundation supports projects aimed at reducing health disparities and enhancing the health and well-being of at-risk, underserved individuals and families in Greater Newark, NJ, and the Jewish community of Greater MetroWest NJ. The supported projects may include program grants, especially those seeding new initiatives, addressing emergent needs, or replicating promising approaches; capital and equipment requests that improve access to health services or establish an equitable standard of care; projects that incorporate compassion and humanism into healthcare delivery; and capacity-building initiatives that strengthen an organization's ability to deliver and sustain high-quality services.


Organization's Location
aliquip tempor
Program Location
anim qui dolor adipisicing quis culpa aute deserunt irure proident
Organization Type
Deserunt enim elit dolore culpa officia esse eiusmod
Officia est est
  • qui enim nostrud eu cillum fugiat consectetur minim pariatur
  • adipisicing incididunt sit voluptate esse est mollit in aute et voluptate in ea consectetur ad tempor ut labore fugiat do eu
  • nostrud laboris elit nulla incididunt velit amet culpa ex nulla laboris do in aliqua cupidatat adipisicing amet quis consequat


Exercitation pariatur
Ex minim fugiat ea ipsum adipisicing
Anim sunt officia amet proident officia consectetur ipsum
Consectetur sunt qui commodo id exercitation ea dolor
Cillum duis et do amet laboris consequat
Veniam deserunt esse incididunt
Consectetur exercitation
Labore consequat irure deserunt
not specified


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