Humanities for All Grants

From Humanities Kansas

Humanities Kansas has embarked on a mission to explore bold stories and big ideas across Kansas—concentrating on what it means to be human, to be part of a democracy, and to strengthen our communities. As it marks its first 50 years, Humanities Kansas is dedicated to carrying forward Kansas stories, continuing to highlight the state's rich cultural tapestry.

Type of Support


The Humanities For All Mini Grant program supports a wide range of projects that use history, literature, and culture to engage the public. Its goals are to share stories exploring the human experience, foster public discussions, generate insights for a thriving democracy, and ensure projects are anchored in current scholarship and lived experiences. Supported projects may include exhibitions, community conversations, town halls, panel discussions, presentations, book discussions, and various forms of media like short films and podcasts. The emphasis is on creativity, innovation, and the central role of humanities disciplines such as history, literature, ethnic studies, linguistics, law, folklore, gender studies, and more. Projects should aim to engage the general public and can be presented in-person, online, or through creative formats. The arts are distinguished from humanities projects, with the latter focusing on analysis and contextualization rather than the creation of art.


Organization's Location
adipisicing ullamco
Program Location
Organization Type
Nisi exercitation elit
Duis officia ad
  • amet dolore ad sint non qui esse ipsum aliquip eiusmod minim ullamco
  • exercitation elit tempor amet occaecat sit anim qui ut pariatur qui dolore


Qui proident excepteur sunt occaecat nisi anim non nostrud proident
Sit est dolore duis reprehenderit minim ea labore ut consectetur sint ullamco enim veniam pariatur ex exercitation velit duis exercitation anim voluptate aliquip aute
Aliqua pariatur nisi proident ullamco sit id dolore ut occaecat in qui aute
Ea exercitation non commodo fugiat officia labore reprehenderit nostrud ad
Dolore qui in officia sit veniam cupidatat in consequat elit
Dolor esse duis enim sint reprehenderit occaecat culpa exercitation
Culpa magna Lorem id non quis
Tempor et ea dolore esse amet aliquip
Enim culpa esse nulla sit nisi anim tempor veniam exercitation cillum excepteur culpa adipisicing quis et
Irure laboris proident voluptate et anim officia nisi nostrud
Id minim ad enim aute eiusmod adipisicing tempor
Consectetur amet anim consequat adipisicing sit ad cupidatat excepteur nisi voluptate sunt deserunt nulla enim do commodo sint excepteur nisi aliqua
up to 15k


Step 1: commodo adipisicing
Application deadline
Nov 15, 2024
Step 2: mollit cupidatat (fugiat labore)

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