HK: Action Grants

From Humanities Kansas

Humanities Kansas has embarked on a mission to explore bold stories and big ideas across Kansas—concentrating on what it means to be human, to be part of a democracy, and to strengthen our communities. As it marks its first 50 years, Humanities Kansas is dedicated to carrying forward Kansas stories, continuing to highlight the state's rich cultural tapestry.

Type of Support


The Humanities for All grants by Humanities Kansas aim to share stories that explore the human experience, engage the general public in discussions centered on humanities themes either in-person or through various formats, and generate insights that cultivate a thriving democracy. These grants support humanities programs in formats ranging from interpretive exhibits, community conversations, panel discussions, presentations, book discussions, to short documentary films or podcasts, for both in-person and virtual platforms. Projects should aim to explore diverse history, literature, and cultures; engage an adult, out-of-school audience; provide multiple engagement opportunities; and introduce innovative program formats and diverse perspectives. The grants are competitive, with a maximum award of $3,500, and prioritize projects that offer creative and new methods for audience engagement. Applicants are encouraged to contribute goods and services as cost share, including staff time, use of facilities, and free publicity, to support their projects.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
In-state nonprofit organizations
Colleges and universities
Organizations that do not require 501(c)(3) status
Organizations with a Unique Entity ID (SAM) from
  • Humanities must be central to the project
  • Project disciplines include History, Literature, Languages and cultures, Law, Folklore, Gender studies, Religious studies, Philosophy, Art history, Archeology, Cultural anthropology, Ethics, Social sciences (political science and sociology)
  • Projects focusing on arts for creation and display are not supported, analysis and contextualization of art are eligible
  • Requires at least two project goals
  • Must involve at least one humanities scholar with relevant qualifications
  • Grant funds can be used for salaries (temporary and part-time staff), honoraria for scholars, in-state travel reimbursement, non-durable supplies and some equipment (less than 25% of grant), online programming support tools, facility or equipment rental, some publicity and promotions (cannot exceed 25% of the request)


Organizations with an open HK grant from a previous cycle
Projects primarily for students, faculty, in-campus or in-school audiences
Projects making humanities content retroactively accessible
Use of funds for salaries of full-time staff
Publishing a book or catalog
Performance pieces
Purchase of major equipment, website hosting, or insurance
Purchase, restoration, or construction of a building
Courses for academic credit or school projects
Academic conferences or programs for a single profession
Creation or purchase of a mural, memorial, monument, or plaque
Individual research, scholarships, or fellowships
Fundraisers, advocacy, or lobbying projects
Projects that discriminate
Food, beverages, entertainment, and promotional giveaways.
up to 3.5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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