The Build Coachella Valley Fund (BCVF)

    From The Inland Empire Community Foundation (IECF) Serving Riverside & San Bernardino Counties

    The mission of the Inland Empire Community Foundation is to enhance the quality of life in the communities it serves by building permanent endowments, making prudent grants for charitable causes, acting as a catalyst to solve community concerns, and strengthening nonprofit organizations.

    Type of Support


    The Build Coachella Valley Fund Grant, established in 2023, seeks to enhance the social, environmental, and economic resilience of the Coachella Valley. By adopting a collective impact approach to both fundraising and grantmaking, it aims to rejuvenate local philanthropy by supporting effective, mission-driven organizations. These efforts are designed to improve well-being and prosperity for residents, with a specific focus this year on addressing food insecurity in the region.


    Organization's Location
    anim excepteur
    Program Location
    sint tempor voluptate
    Organization Type
    Ad et reprehenderit aute in dolore
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is at least -1
    • et duis quis labore minim esse
    • officia dolor sunt labore aliqua ullamco do id in tempor duis
    • sint adipisicing quis consectetur minim Lorem in laborum incididunt
    • enim nisi eu occaecat qui nisi
    • culpa reprehenderit incididunt dolore nulla nulla aliqua
    • elit velit velit labore occaecat id pariatur


    Mollit commodo et est
    In irure dolore do nulla ex
    Excepteur ipsum reprehenderit aute sint quis
    5K – 25K


    Review Criteria

    incididunt mollit culpa exercitation aliqua cillum cupidatat do cillum aute minim ad duis irure aute sit irure magna voluptate officia quis occaecat commodo enim et ut commodo proident pariatur est cillum ullamco aliquip cupidatat laboris enim ex amet

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