IPS Conservation Grants

    From International Primatological Society

    The International Primatological Society aims to support non-human primatological research globally, foster collaboration among international scientists in this field, and advocate for the conservation of all primate species. It is dedicated to scientific, educational, and charitable purposes.

    Type of Support


    The Conservation Committee of IPS offers grants up to $1,500 to assist in the development of primate conservation field programs and/or applied research that impacts primate conservation. Projects that include community conservation may qualify for an additional $500 Conservation through Community Involvement (CCI) award. These funds are allocated for research supplies, field equipment, assistant salaries, travel, research fees, and other conservation project-related expenses. This grant specifies that only conservation projects are eligible for funding, directing those with non-conservation projects to consider the IPS research grant instead.


    Organization's Location
    ea Lorem
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Officia sint ipsum est cillum

    deserunt ea nostrud eu Lorem ut excepteur commodo elit magna ad laboris veniam fugiat ea quis quis dolor ut proident velit Lorem id velit ad adipisicing fugiat officia laborum veniam cillum anim non et voluptate ea duis et fugiat


    Ea labore minim
    Amet est est velit
    Mollit sit ut voluptate eiusmod laborum
    Officia voluptate tempor ullamco eiusmod
    up to 1.5K


    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    Review Criteria