JFNY Grant for Online Japanese Studies

From Japan Foundation, New York

The mission of the funder is to support projects that deepen understanding about Japan, promote cross-cultural exchange, and nurture global perspectives among K-12 students, teachers, and the community in the United States.

Type of Support


The JFNY Grant for Online Japanese Studies is designed for U.S.-based institutions or organizations with 501(c)(3) status seeking to deepen the understanding of Japan through academic study. This grant program emphasizes funding projects that include but are not limited to conferences, colloquia, symposia, presentations, and lectures, which can be held within the United States or virtually. Successful applicants may receive up to $5,000 in funding. The grant can cover various project-related expenses such as honoraria for speakers and participants, online-related costs (including content creation, domain purchase, and server fees), publicity, research materials, and rental fees for equipment.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
U.S. institutions
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • The aim of the project must be to promote Japanese Studies digitally in the age of coronavirus


For-profit entities
Projects already funded by other Japan Foundation grants in the current fiscal year
Japanese-language education programs (contact the Japan Foundation, Los Angeles instead)
Martial arts projects
Medical projects
Technical projects
Scientific projects
Projects including political activities
Projects including religious activities
Projects including social welfare activities
Projects including commercial activities
Study tours to Japan
Research trips to Japan
up to 5k


Review Criteria

Ineligibility Criteria: JFNY is unable to provide support for services not directly associated with the grant initiative. Proposals from individuals, for-profit organizations, or projects that have secured funding from other Japan Foundation grants within the same fiscal year will not be entertained. For projects related to Japanese-language education, please reach out to the Japan Foundation, Los Angeles. Proposals focused on martial arts, medical, technical, or scientific endeavors, as well as those involving political, religious, social welfare, or commercial activities, are ineligible. Additionally, requests for funding study tours and research expeditions to Japan will not be considered.

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