Les Paul Foundation Grant

    The Les Paul Foundation inspires innovative and creative thinking by sharing the legacy of Les Paul. It supports music education, recording, innovation, exhibits about Les Paul, and medical research related to hearing.

    Type of Support


    The Les Paul Foundation Grant supports organizations operating in the United States that are public charities and tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It prioritizes programs and projects that:

    • Encourage innovation in music production and performance.
    • Support innovative STEM or STEAM programs for students and others in challenging situations.
    • Fund medical research aimed at curing tinnitus and other hearing impairments. The grant does not support religious, political, labor, or business organizations and individuals are not eligible for grants. All applicants are required to describe how Les Paul’s story will be involved or shared in their project.


    Organization's Location
    anim officia
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Officia dolore commodo aute consequat sit id laboris exercitation eiusmod aute exercitation adipisicing exercitation exercitation excepteur proident culpa
    • anim sint mollit ullamco aliqua et tempor veniam sit


    Sint aliqua
    Aliqua tempor
    Deserunt in
    Adipisicing commodo
    1.5K – 2K


    Review Criteria

    velit dolor officia voluptate ea eu aliqua non voluptate ex commodo velit Lorem occaecat laboris aliqua aliqua

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