North Lawndale Fresh Grant

The Lumpkin Family Foundation supports people working together to build healthy, sustainable communities in East Central Illinois and across the US.

Type of Support


The Lumpkin Family Foundation and collaborating foundations want to support efforts to expand healthy retail options, support community gardens and local food production, grow food enterprises, and protect and strengthen food assistance programs in the North Lawndale neighborhood on Chicago’s West Side.

We are issuing this call for ideas to elicit projects and encourage collaboration among organizations and people who know the North Lawndale landscape and understand the requirements for success. Examples of the types of ideas we would welcome include (but are in no way limited to):

  • Community food gardens which increase access to healthy, affordable food
  • Neighborhood or school habitat projects that support food production (e.g. pollinator gardens) or which give residents greater access to nature, even if they aren’t directly related to food production (e.g. tree planting)
  • Community kitchens and other processing enterprises that add value to food and empower entrepreneurs to build businesses and create jobs
  • Food cooperatives
  • Nutrition education or cooking classes focused on the preparation of fresh and healthy meals, or community cooking efforts, in which the effort of creating prepared meals is shared, to make it easier for families to eat well
  • Food as medicine approaches to health which focus on diet and nutrition
  • Commercial ventures designed to increase access to healthy or local food while building the economy of the North Lawndale community (provided a non-profit organization is the applicant)


Organization's Location
non exercitation
Program Location
consectetur aliqua sit
Organization Type
Sit laboris

qui labore quis mollit duis pariatur sint consequat commodo aliqua quis voluptate

up to 1M


Step 1: magna dolor
Step 2: pariatur laborum (aliquip culpa)
Contact info
Jane Doe
Review Criteria
  • do ad amet ut aliquip veniam nulla veniam qui consectetur anim commodo mollit ea sint aute qui aute non nostrud commodo ex aliquip ullamco reprehenderit
  • consequat sit cillum cupidatat officia consectetur non deserunt do duis velit sint irure incididunt