Magnolia Society International: Research Grants

    From Magnolia Society International

    The mission of The Magnolia Society International (MSI) is centered around promoting research and expanding the knowledge base concerning members of the genus Magnolia.

    Type of Support


    The MSI’s research funding program aims to support studies that contribute to a deeper understanding of the Magnolia genus. Following a recent redesign by the MSI Research Committee and Board of Directors, the program's goals have been refocused to enhance the quality and scope of research efforts in this area.


    Organization's Location
    dolore quis
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    • incididunt in amet occaecat veniam esse elit irure Lorem sint esse exercitation incididunt aliquip pariatur laboris incididunt sint
    • irure nostrud sit ut commodo cillum magna deserunt id est do
    • voluptate deserunt elit anim velit culpa aliquip sit aliqua ut sint aliqua eiusmod sint Lorem elit magna
    • laborum commodo enim veniam ut do ipsum quis et voluptate ullamco sit cillum ea minim fugiat cillum quis ex voluptate mollit deserunt aliqua labore occaecat
    • aute amet velit labore occaecat elit officia proident deserunt eiusmod aute id et cupidatat irure magna excepteur excepteur voluptate
    • ipsum exercitation excepteur tempor cillum reprehenderit et non culpa do sunt et ut fugiat reprehenderit adipisicing nostrud velit qui
    • deserunt voluptate incididunt esse magna eiusmod dolore exercitation sint est minim irure
    2.5K – 5K


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