MCF: Conservation for All Grants

From Maine Community Foundation

The Maine Community Foundation works to improve the quality of life for all Maine people. It aims to serve all of Maine, demonstrate respect for people and places, achieve quality and integrity in all actions, and remain nonpartisan. It is a statewide nonprofit organization that helps people invest charitable resources in the future of Maine, ensuring their giving benefits communities statewide.

Type of Support


The Fund for Maine Land Conservation grant program, initiated in the early 1990s, evolved to support land conservation efforts through two new grant programs after a significant bequest in 2018. These are: 1) Conservation for All, focusing on projects that deepen the connection between Maine residents and the state's natural landscapes and waterways, promoting the idea that Maine's outdoors should be accessible to everyone; and 2) Maine Land Protection, which is aimed at supporting land acquisitions and easements. Together, these programs reflect a redesigned approach to land conservation grantmaking, aligning with broader goals of promoting environmental engagement and protection within the community.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Nonprofit, charitable organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) status and classified under sections 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2)
Public schools
Public agencies working for the State of Maine
Indian tribal governments recognized by the Department of the Interior
Groups with a fiscal sponsor that is an eligible organization as described
  • Project or organization must facilitate access to and use of land and water, particularly for underserved populations
  • Must involve actions to increase opportunities for outdoor access by reducing barriers, increasing awareness, or encouraging participation
  • Must engage people and communities in the design, implementation, or evaluation of conservation projects
  • Located or operating in Maine for land trusts receiving general support grants
  • Allows for general support grants to land trusts in Maine and project grants to organizations implementing conservation projects
  • Indirect costs and administrative overhead expenses of up to 20% of the total requested budget are allowable


Entities seeking funds for purchase of land or conservation easements
Those covering already incurred expenses
Groups intending to regrant to a secondary grantee via a competitive process
Entities involved in political campaigns
Those lobbying for action on a specific vote
Organizations focused on religious activities, such as services, promoting beliefs, or activities limited to church or religious group members.
up to 15k


Review Criteria

This funding initiative will prioritize support for organizations and endeavors that:

  • Operate with an annual budget under $750,000
  • Incorporate diverse voices in their leadership teams, especially those from marginalized and previously excluded groups, at either the board or staff level
  • Focus on mitigating the effects of climate change, particularly for the communities and individuals who bear the brunt of these impacts
  • Applications from Wabanaki tribal governments or their political subdivisions are particularly welcome.

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