The McGraw Foundation, based in Northbrook, Illinois, focuses on issuing annual grants to not-for-profit organizations. Its mission encompasses support in conservation, education at all levels, human services, with occasional grants in health, medical research, and cultural domains. It aims to make impactful contributions through funding innovative research, special education programs, and various activities that promise significant advancements in its areas of interest.
The grant program by the McGraw Foundation is designed with broad goals to support and advance efforts in conservation, educational programs (ranging from elementary to higher education), human services, health, medical research, and cultural activities. Key areas of focus include supporting environmental education through the establishment of chaired professorships, a wide range of educational initiatives (including after-school tutoring, special education, and adult literacy), human services with an emphasis on children but extending to all ages (covering child welfare, foster care, adoption, family counseling, and more), health and medical research (encompassing specific research projects, rehabilitation, and support for uninsured patients), and civic and cultural contributions towards arts, conservation, and the promotion of public welfare.
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