MCCF: Lindsborg David Nutt Regular Grant

From McPherson County Community Foundation

The McPherson County Community Foundation aims to support nonprofit organizations within the McPherson area, focusing on a variety of fields including Arts, Basic Human Needs and Disaster Relief, Children and Youth, Community Development and Leadership, Conservation, Preservation, and Beautification, Education, the Elderly, and Health Care and Mental Health.

Type of Support


The grant program has six cycles per year with diverse application deadlines and supports projects up to $10,000 on an ongoing basis, as well as larger projects once each fiscal year. It focuses on project or program support, operating or general support, seed money for new initiatives, capacity building for organizational strengthening, and capital campaigns for construction or renovation projects within the McPherson area, aligning with the foundation's broad commitment to varied community needs.


Organization's Location
Program Location
KS (McPherson County)
Organization Type
  • Located in Lindsborg, KS


Ordinarily do not support annual appeals and membership drives
Grants to support individuals ineligible
Travel support for individuals, bands, sports teams, classes, and similar groups not provided
Lobbying or political purpose funding not supported
Organizations that practice discrimination based on race, color, creed, sex, age, or national origin not eligible
Funding not available for operating deficits or retirement of debt.
up to 10k


Visit Apply for more information.

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