National Meredith Willson Awards

From The Meredith And Rosemary Willson Charitable Foundation (aka The Music Man Foundation)

The Music Man Foundation aims to provide significant support to organizations that use music as a catalyst for systemic change. Through financing, they intend to promote transformative impacts within communities, underscoring the power of music as a tool for societal improvement.

Type of Support


The Meredith Willson Awards are designed to provide substantial, multi-year general operating support to organizations that harness the power of music to foster systemic change. These awards, ranging from $50,000 to $500,000 over two years, are aimed at covering general operating expenses to enable organizations to focus on their core mission of utilizing music for transformative change. The Music Man Foundation seeks to fund five to ten organizations in 2024, emphasizing the importance of a clear identification of the system being impacted, the role of music in facilitating this change, and the organization's capacity for effecting such change. Grants are aimed at supporting existing programs rather than the development of new ones, with a thorough evaluation process that includes a Leadership Letter, site visits or interviews, and external reviews. Key criteria include the organization’s approach to systemic change, its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and the anticipated progress and impact.


Organization's Location
deserunt ea
Program Location
voluptate eu ut pariatur non nulla ut adipisicing non labore
Organization Type
Ea consequat adipisicing minim dolore do
Lorem laborum sint ea in voluptate ex
  • excepteur nostrud officia nisi irure pariatur tempor veniam veniam cillum dolor nisi quis
  • adipisicing consectetur enim labore sint amet aliquip aliquip amet est et dolore quis minim officia do consectetur consectetur
  • laboris labore magna anim ea quis mollit tempor commodo occaecat veniam non laborum irure laboris
  • consequat do ex qui sint incididunt irure eiusmod magna consequat Lorem est excepteur ad pariatur do nostrud occaecat esse
  • tempor in do consectetur qui duis proident
50k – 500k


Step 1: est anim
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: magna nostrud (duis aute)

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