Meredith Village Savings Bank Fund Grant Awards

From Meredith Village Savings Bank

MVSB is deeply committed to the stewardship of their communities. They focus on supporting organizations within their communities to improve the quality of life for everyone. Through financial contributions, sponsorships, grants, tax credit purchases, and scholarships, they provide meaningful support. Additionally, they underscore this commitment with the volunteer efforts of their staff.

Type of Support


The Meredith Village Savings Bank Fund awards grants to local non-profits that significantly impact people's lives in the communities served by the bank. These grants support a broad range of initiatives, including literacy programs, after-school activities, environmental education and restoration, support for individuals and families in challenging circumstances, and life-saving equipment. The grant-making process is competitive, aiming to fund projects where a modest investment can yield significant results. Grant amounts typically range from $5,000 to $25,000.


Organization's Location
Program Location
NH (Belknap County, Carroll County, Grafton County, Rockingham County, Strafford County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Public agencies
  • A primary base of operations in MVSB’s market area
  • A proven history of providing value to the local community
  • Organizational sustainability
  • The ability to leverage other funding and/or voluntary support
  • The ability to provide the most value with the requested funding
  • Cooperation or collaboration with other organizations for greater impact
  • Beneficial usage of previous funding supplied by the MVSB Fund (where applicable)


Organizations that received funding in the previous year
Entities seeking to replace public funding or for tasks that are a public duty
Groups with political, sectarian, or religious aims
Applicants aiming for deficit reduction or to cover costs of completed activities
Projects focused on academic research
School or youth groups, or individuals looking to fund out-of-state travel for scholarly or professional reasons.
5k – 25k


Visit Apply for more information.

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