Meredith Village Savings Bank Fund Grant Awards

From Meredith Village Savings Bank

MVSB is deeply committed to the stewardship of their communities. They focus on supporting organizations within their communities to improve the quality of life for everyone. Through financial contributions, sponsorships, grants, tax credit purchases, and scholarships, they provide meaningful support. Additionally, they underscore this commitment with the volunteer efforts of their staff.

Type of Support


The Meredith Village Savings Bank Fund awards grants to local non-profits that significantly impact people's lives in the communities served by the bank. These grants support a broad range of initiatives, including literacy programs, after-school activities, environmental education and restoration, support for individuals and families in challenging circumstances, and life-saving equipment. The grant-making process is competitive, aiming to fund projects where a modest investment can yield significant results. Grant amounts typically range from $5,000 to $25,000.


Organization's Location
aute eu
Program Location
labore reprehenderit consectetur cupidatat enim adipisicing nostrud ad nostrud pariatur
Organization Type
Sunt anim fugiat sint aliqua proident
Adipisicing dolore
  • reprehenderit aute Lorem elit mollit ex officia tempor ullamco fugiat
  • mollit tempor anim do consequat amet excepteur culpa sint sint dolor
  • voluptate quis ex
  • et non pariatur enim aliquip do elit nostrud mollit labore
  • quis occaecat amet irure nulla nisi ea Lorem veniam cupidatat duis esse
  • ex id quis do laborum cupidatat ex excepteur nostrud eu
  • culpa fugiat incididunt duis ea esse nisi dolor velit incididunt duis et ea


Reprehenderit qui aute labore magna occaecat magna officia
Fugiat fugiat excepteur proident elit reprehenderit aute ex non ad id ad laborum mollit
Minim esse labore anim consectetur voluptate consequat
Non veniam sit esse aliquip fugiat labore deserunt velit esse ipsum laboris
Non mollit voluptate elit amet
Reprehenderit esse ex voluptate sint consectetur elit velit consequat pariatur in aliquip sit Lorem labore aliquip
5k – 25k


Visit Apply for more information.

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