Montpelier Area Foundation Grant Program

From Montpelier Area Foundation

The Montpelier Area Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life for all citizens in their area, both now and for future generations. This is achieved by building a community endowment, addressing needs through grant-making, and serving as a leading resource for charitable giving.

Type of Support


Montpelier Foundation grants are made to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of our area, now and for generations to come, by building community endowment, addressing needs through grant making, serving as a leader, catalyst, and a resource for charitable giving. Generally, grants are made for:

  • Launching new projects that provide unique opportunities for the community.
  • Supporting established organizations for special purposes.
  • Generating matching funds.


Organization's Location
sit sint
Program Location
excepteur deserunt laborum
Organization Type
Exercitation pariatur occaecat deserunt dolor anim
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not specified


Required Attachments
commodo nisi
sunt amet dolor
sint dolore
officia amet
Contact info
tempor occaecat esse veniam amet mollit incididunt

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