Equine Behavior Relating to Health and Welfare RFP- Pilot Study

From Morris Animal Foundation

The mission of Morris Animal Foundation is to bridge science and resources to advance the health of animals. Through funding hypothesis-driven, humane research projects with high scientific merit, they aim at significant impact. As a non-profit funded by public support and endowment earnings, they prioritize impactful animal health research that benefits a wide range of stakeholders including veterinarians, pet owners, and communities.

Type of Support


This grant program seeks to fund pilot proposals that advance the understanding of equine behavior and welfare. The emphasis is on projects that aim to significantly improve the lives of horses, focusing on a variety of aspects such as cognition, learning, behavioral patterns, and the effects of temperament on their overall welfare. The goal is to support novel approaches or ideas that could lead to larger-scale research projects. Proposals can involve both domesticated and wild horses, with a stipulation for projects to have a duration of no more than 12 months and a budget cap of $10,000 USD. Indirect costs are not allowed for this funding opportunity.


Organization's Location
ipsum aliquip
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Organization Type
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up to 10k


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