The Seabird Group aims to support the study and conservation of seabirds.
The Seabird Group offers small grants each year, generally supporting research projects or censuses focused on seabirds, specifically those related to Atlantic regions. Members of the Seabird Group are prioritized, especially those working on Atlantic seabirds. The grants (up to £500) often facilitate ringing studies and census work in locations including but not limited to the Orkney and Shetland, Caithness, Sanda, Argyllshire islands in the Firth of Forth, and internationally in places like Portugal and Alaska. Funding has supported various projects such as censusing Storm Petrels and Manx Shearwaters, assessing productivity and survival of Great and Arctic Skuas, and seawatching projects, including monitoring Balearic Shearwaters. For significant censuses like SEABIRD 2000, larger grants are available to fund expeditions that fill in gaps in the coverage of the British Isles coast, including specific tasks like aerial surveys of gulls in urban areas.
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