The Levitt Foundation's mission is to strengthen the social fabric of America by partnering with communities to activate underused outdoor spaces, creating welcoming and inclusive destinations through the power of free, live music, bringing people together and invigorating community life.
The Levitt AMP [Your City] Grant Awards aim to revitalize underused public spaces through the Levitt AMP Music Series, celebrating the power of music to foster connections among people of all ages and backgrounds. This grant program supports U.S.-based nonprofits in small to mid-sized towns and cities, providing three-year matching grants of $30K per year, for a total of $90K, to present 10 free concerts. These concerts are designed to create joyous, inclusive community destinations, ensuring access to the arts and injecting new life into public spaces. The program emphasizes the importance of musically diverse lineups and offers resources to grantees for successful event planning and execution. Eligible organizations are those serving towns and cities with populations of up to 250,000.
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