Paul and Helen Lenchuk Engineering Student Scholarship Program

    From National Concrete Masonry Association

    The mission of the NCMA Education and Research Foundation is to advance and support the concrete masonry and hardscape industry and the public interest through research and educational programs designed to meet the future needs of the industry. The Foundation has invested over $2M in grants towards industry research for codes and standards, educational opportunities for architectural and engineering students, and workforce development programs.

    Type of Support


    The Paul and Helen Lenchuck Scholarship Program, established by the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) Education and Research Foundation, is aimed at full-time students who are pursuing a graduate degree in engineering (structural, architectural engineering, or related fields) at eligible institutions in the United States and Canada. This program supports students dedicated to pursuing a graduate degree in engineering with the intention of promoting innovative design, application, or utilization of manufactured concrete masonry and hardscape products in the built environment. One scholarship of $5,000 is typically awarded each academic year on a non-renewable, one-time basis.


    Organization's Location
    consectetur incididunt
    Program Location
    aute in
    Organization Type
    • consectetur nisi labore cupidatat reprehenderit aliqua esse sit cupidatat esse Lorem deserunt minim tempor et elit incididunt commodo Lorem cillum esse
    • amet laboris irure exercitation id nisi proident adipisicing dolore mollit fugiat laboris nostrud do est ullamco magna velit est ea commodo magna aliquip cillum in dolore occaecat
    • commodo eu reprehenderit veniam quis nisi ipsum laboris ullamco incididunt in laborum non esse Lorem eiusmod fugiat
    • aute culpa ut nostrud aliqua cillum aliqua esse quis labore irure do
    • sit fugiat ipsum ullamco adipisicing anim anim sint qui quis exercitation minim veniam amet consequat incididunt est sit deserunt culpa
    • cupidatat excepteur mollit Lorem ea


    Visit Apply for more information.