The mission of the Ocotillo Wind Imperial Valley Fund is to improve the quality of life for residents and communities in Imperial Valley. This includes leveraging community resources and building partnerships to achieve sustainable, meaningful, and measurable outcomes.
The Ocotillo Wind Imperial Valley Fund grant program focuses on supporting new and existing programs that enhance the quality of life in the Imperial Valley area. The grants prioritize projects with clear, impactful goals in areas such as Civic Engagement, Economic Workforce & Development, Youth Education, Recreation & Safety, Disaster Recovery & Emergency Preparedness, and Health & Wellness. Ideal projects for funding are those that demonstrate relevance to the region, can deliver measurable results within a year, have the potential to be scaled or replicated, encourage collaborative efforts among public and private partners and nonprofit organizations, are informed by an understanding of local needs and trends, clearly identify their target population and the reason for focusing on them, and outline specific benchmarks for assessing success and progress.
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