The mission of the funder, presumably the Pittsburgh Foundation based on the context, is focused on supporting nonprofit organizations by facilitating general operating funding to cover critical needs such as staffing and utilities. This support helps these organizations to effectively carry out their missions, emphasizing the Foundation's role in bolstering the operational capabilities of nonprofits in its community.
The General Support Grant Program of the Social Justice Fund is designed to offer operational support to organizations committed to advocacy, mobilization, and healing work. The program recognizes the importance of flexible funding in enabling these organizations to carry out their missions effectively. By focusing on these key areas of work, the Social Justice Fund aims to bring about greater justice for economically underserved populations, people of color, LGBTQIA, immigrant, and disability communities. The grant supports efforts to elevate issues within the political agenda, strengthen commitments to improve policies or practices, and increase resources for affected communities. This encompasses a wide range of activities, from petitions and public awareness campaigns to community mobilization efforts and the promotion of resilience and wellness as responses to oppression. With one-year grants that are potentially renewable for up to three years, the program emphasizes the development of organizational capacity, networking, and collective impact through access to workshops, training, and peer-learning opportunities.
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