Women’s Fund of Porter County Grants

From Porter County Community Foundation

The Women's Fund of Porter County aims to enable women in Porter County to collectively engage in philanthropy, focusing on addressing the critical needs of women and children in their community.

Type of Support


The grant program offered by the Women’s Fund of Porter County is centered around the principle of collective giving. It seeks to support projects and initiatives that address the most crucial needs of women and children within the Porter County community.


Organization's Location
Program Location
IN (Porter County)
Organization Type
Nonprofit organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Serving Porter County


Recipients of the Impact Grant in the year following the award
Projects not addressing issues facing women and/or children
Scholarship programs including daycare and program participation fees
Annual appeals or membership contributions
Event sponsorships
Sectarian or religious programs
Political organizations or candidates
Contributions to endowment campaigns
Campaigns to reduce previously incurred debt
Previously completed programs or contracted equipment
Travel for bands, sports teams, and similar groups.
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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