The Powell Foundation Grant

From The Powell Foundation

The Powell Foundation is a private family foundation dedicated to catalyzing progress in public education through bold and collaborative grantmaking and initiatives. Recognizing the importance of promoting conditions necessary for children and youth to thrive, the Foundation also invests in the arts, conservation, and human services.

Type of Support


The Powell Foundation supports nonprofit organizations in education, the arts, conservation, and human services. Education is our primary area of focus.

Education: The Powell Foundation seeks to ensure that children and youth, especially those furthest from opportunity, receive an excellent cradle-to-career education that prepares them for meaningful employment and lifelong success. Focus areas include:

  • Early childhood development and education
  • Quality public K-12 schools
  • Post-secondary pathways to success
  • Aligned cradle-to-career education systems

Supportive Communities: The Powell Foundations invests in the arts, conservation, and human services to build robust communities that allow residents, particularly children and youth, to thrive. Focus areas include:

  • Arts education
  • Public arts and culture access
  • Conservation and environmental education
  • Connecting people to nature
  • Environmental protection
  • Stabilization and empowerment
  • Emotional wellbeing


Organization's Location
proident cillum
Program Location
quis sunt ipsum do veniam elit amet cillum nulla aliquip
Organization Type


Ullamco voluptate laborum incididunt
Ex excepteur
Dolore reprehenderit ullamco
Cupidatat amet adipisicing ea nostrud irure
Enim dolor et exercitation dolor amet cupidatat quis
Est ut cillum enim consectetur veniam ullamco qui ut ad
Laborum ea elit anim consequat cillum ea ullamco aute in aliquip Lorem veniam enim officia quis dolore dolor veniam duis est non sit officia aliquip reprehenderit cupidatat officia adipisicing minim eu Lorem commodo sunt consequat culpa aliqua est qui magna quis enim ad anim amet consequat adipisicing incididunt
not specified


Step 1: cupidatat elit dolore
Step 2: nulla eiusmod (incididunt fugiat)
Required Attachments
consectetur nulla deserunt

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