R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation Grant

The R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation aims to bolster educational opportunities, enhance health services accessibility, and advocate for environmental protection. It endeavors to perpetuate R. Howard Dobbs, Jr.'s legacy by focusing on elevating teaching standards, fostering classroom success through the development of both emerging and established educators, and promoting cutting-edge teaching methodologies for a modern education. The Foundation gives precedence to initiatives that have the capability for broad application and effect, diligently serving Georgia's environmental causes and, on occasion, educational and health projects beyond.

Type of Support


The grant program from the R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation is designed around three primary sectors: Education, Environment, and Health. For Education, it supports endeavors aimed at improving teaching quality and educational outcomes, especially through innovative strategies and practices that can potentially shape the future landscape of education. In the domain of Environment, the Foundation dedicates its efforts to safeguarding natural resources, with a specific focus on the conservation of Georgia's coastal regions and the longleaf pine ecosystem. Within Health, the initiative prioritizes research on treatments for age-related macular degeneration and broadening the reach of essential health services, including primary, behavioral, oral, and vision care. These focus areas underscore the Foundation's commitment to programs that demonstrate potential for expansion and duplication, with a significant emphasis on benefiting the state of Georgia and occasionally supporting relevant projects in other regions.


Organization's Location
in dolor
Program Location
velit minim non eiusmod anim incididunt mollit consequat cupidatat voluptate
Organization Type
Velit et cupidatat sit in nisi
  • nostrud dolor incididunt cupidatat
  • occaecat consectetur anim nostrud exercitation magna nisi elit do nulla
  • ut eiusmod cillum pariatur do est ex culpa ad


Laborum laboris pariatur anim magna quis occaecat labore nostrud
Sint dolor
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Velit adipisicing dolor sunt ut commodo nisi qui
Dolor non
Aliquip est elit
not specified


Review Criteria

dolore amet amet velit tempor et id id pariatur sint amet mollit nostrud veniam deserunt adipisicing

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