Ralph C. Sheldon Foundation: Strategic Partnership and Restructuring

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Type of Support


The Strategic Partnership and Restructuring Grant from the Ralph C. Sheldon Foundation focuses on fostering innovation and efficiency among Not-for-Profit Organizations located in southern Chautauqua County. It encourages these organizations to consider new ways of operating that could include collaboration, forming partnerships, or undergoing mergers and acquisitions with other not-for-profit organizations. This program aims to offer financial support that enables the boards and staff of these organizations to explore, negotiate, and implement significant strategic changes or corporate restructuring. This initiative operates separately from the foundation's traditional quarterly grant offerings, allowing applicants the choice to apply for this and/or the typical grant programs within the same year. For application, co-applicants must designate a lead organization to submit the proposal and manage the awarded funds if successful.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type


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